This prestigious awards recognise exceptional creativity, compelling storytelling and outstanding production in branded content film.
Gain recognition for your organisations across 29 categories, including 3 NEW ones.
EMEA Production Company of the Year
This category recognises a production company that has produced outstanding branded film content for its clients over the last 12 months. Judges will take into account achievement against objectives, creative output, new business wins, client retention and relationships and innovation in delivery.
EMEA Agency of the Year
This category recognises an agency that has produced outstanding branded film content for its clients over the last 12 months. Judges will take into account achievement against objectives, creative output, new business wins, client retention and relationships and innovation in delivery.
Global Production Company of the Year
This category recognises a production company that has produced outstanding branded film content for its clients over the last 12 months globally. Entering companies must have regional offices in at least 3 continents.
Global Agency of the Year
This category recognises an agency that has produced outstanding branded film content for its clients over the last 12 months. Entering companies must have regional offices in at least 3 continents.
Branded content & Entertainment
Organisation Documentary
The most effective documentary film created by a brand or agency that tells an impactful, informative story.
Branded Programme
For an inventive and relevant film that helped drive a brand’s objectives in a demonstrable way.
Best use of Humour
Using humour in an effective way to achieve its goals. The film can be part of a larger programme or a standalone initiative
Most Emotional Impact
The most heart warming, emotional film created by a brand or agency. The film can be part of a larger programme or a standalone initiative.
Best use of Digital/Social Media
For the film with a creative idea demonstrates outstanding use of social media and/or other digital resources in order to reach determined goals.
Best use of an Influencer/Celebrity
This category awards the most creative campaign that used one or more social media influencers or a celebrity’s social platforms to increase the films reach. This can be as a standalone initiative or as part of a wider campaign.
For the most memorable and effective use of animation in film. Can include hand-drawn, stop-motion, or computer animation.
Best Director
Given to the director who best brings a film to life with their vision and techniques.
Best Film Under 1 Minute
The best film lasting no more than 1 minute
Best Post-Production
Best Post-Production Motion Graphics
The film that best showcases the use of post-production colour correction, graphic design, and special effects.
Best Post-Production Editing
The film that best showcases the use of post-production editing techniques into a coherent, cohesive story.
Best Post-Production Sound Design
The film that best showcases the use of post-production editing techniques, such as sound mixing.
Best use of new Technical Innovation
For films that tell a brands story through new technical
techniques to engage viewers and immerse them in
the interactive content experience. This can include
periscope or augmented reality.
Best Scripted
The film that showcases the most original writing
and storytelling so the content resonates with
A film created for business-to-business communications or promotion.
The best use of film or series for internal purposes to connect with employees and highlight a corporate message or initiative.
A corporate film that supported a specific goal and delivered significant results.
Issues & Reputation Crisis
A film created to deal with a specific corporate or social issue.
Public Affairs
A film created to influence political or governmental audiences on behalf of an organisation or brand.
Consumer Goods
For a brand film that helped achieve a goal, such as engaging consumers or employees, building media buzz, and selling products.
Healthcare & Pharma
The film that highlights the healthcare industry, from pharma and hospitals to insurance, in the most effective way.
For a film that uses sport to deliver a brand or organisations message.
Progressive Social Change
Film that demonstrates an impactful philanthropic program or brand CSR effort and the results it had on society at large or for a specific organisation.
Environmental Sustainability
The film that underscores a corporation or agency’s sustainability efforts. The film should tell a story as well as support the company’s particular sustainability focus area.
Charity/ Third Sector
A film that has been produced by a charity and/or agency achieving the most inspiring awareness raising or fundraising film.